Staffordshire Police officer, PC Karen Bloor – known as Kaz.  lost her fight against breast cancer.  PC Bloor, worked for the police for 24 years, In 2015 Karen had a double mastectomy with 4 sentinel nodes removed. Karen started to feel unwell before Christmas 2020.  Putting it down to nothing serious she just carried on.  After a small incident lifting her working dog, she felt pain in her side and when she spoke to the Dr she was diagnosed with costochondritis.  The pain continued and she was feeling tired.  She began to think she’d had Covid-19 and was suffering the effects of long covid – a positive antibody test confirmed she’s had the covid at some point.  A few rounds of antibiotics for a chest infection, noticeable weight loss and not getting any better she pushed for a face to face at the doctors.   A few weeks later with a number of tests it was confirmed the cancer came back. The cancer returned in a number of places in her body – liver, spine, stomach and remaining breast tissue.   Biopsy results was liver cancer, stomach cancer and bone cancer. Treatment started with 6 rounds of chemo commencing April 19th. A fund-raising page set up on behalf of Karen has now raised $25,671 as donations continue to flood in following the news of her death.