Sergeant Mycal L. Prince of Minco, Oklahoma was killed in Laghman Province in Afghanistan on September 15, 2011 from injuries sustained during an insurgent attack. His unit was fired upon by insurgents using rocket-propelled grenades and small arms fire. Prince was a member of Company A, 1st Battalion, 179th Infantry Regiment, 45th Brigade Combat Team in the Oklahoma National Guard, which is based out of Edmond and headquartered in Stillwater. His unit was deployed to Afghanistan in March of 2011. He joined the Guard five days after his 17th birthday and served over ten years. He deployed to assist the people of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and went to Iraq in 2008. Mycal worked for Rush Springs Police Department for three years then worked for Minco Police Department as a K9 officer with his K9 partner “Bayca” for the past two years before being deployed to Afghanistan. While with the Minco Police Department, Officer Prince and K9 Bayca helped with drug interdiction. The military presented seven awards to Sgt. Prince’s family, including a purple heart. Prince leaves behind his wife Surana Smith Mycal and two young daughters, Raelynn and Mycaela. Sergeant Mycal was buried on 9/26/11 at Bradley Cemetery in Bradley Oklahoma. First National Bank and Trust has set up a fund to help the family. Donations can be made in the Prince family name.