This association will be known as the Connecticut Police Work Dog Association.
( Voted on and passed on 10/8/91 )
This association incorporated and will be known as the Connecticut Police Work Dog Association Inc.
Since ( 6/27/02 )
To unite and assist all law enforcement canine units within the State of Connecticut.
To establish a working standard for police work dogs in the State of Connecticut.
To provide educational material through publications, visual aids and training seminars.
To improve the image of the police service dog.
( Voted on and passed on 10/8/91 )
SECTION A: Regular Membership
Full membership in this association shall be open to any active or retired law enforcement officer from any military, state or municipal law enforcement agency or correction officer, who is or was a canine handler, trainer or canine unit administrator.
SECTION B: Regular Membership
Non-law enforcement personnel are eligible for regular membership by meeting the below requirements of this organization and providing documentation of same to the Executive Board of this association in resume form. The documentation will be reviewed by the Executive Board and the request for regular membership must be by a majority vote of the Executive Board.
- Must presently be or have been a police service dog trainer for a law enforcement agency within the State of Connecticut.
- Must have trained a minimum of three (3) police service dogs that have worked a minimum of two (2) years for a law enforcement agency within the State of Connecticut.
- Must be recommended in writing by a regular member of this association who is a full time law enforcement officer.
SECTION C: Associate Membership
All persons accepted for associate membership into this organization shall enjoy all privileges of a regular member, but may not hold or be nominated for the officers of president, vice-president, secretary or treasurer.
- Any full time law enforcement officer from a police, correction or sheriffs department outside the State of Connecticut.
- Any P.O.S.T. certified officer from within the State of Connecticut.
( Voted on and passed on 10/8/91 )
SECTION D: NON-LEO Associate Membership
- A NON-LEO Associate member shall enjoy all privileges except that he/she shall not have any voting privileges, nor shall serve on the Executive Committee Board.
- Regular Members shall have first right of refusal to CPWDA classes and/or events prior to offering openings to Associate Members. Classes and/or events must be in the applied certifications listed below.
- All Associate members must provide a current Criminal History Records Check at the time they initially join and upon renewing yearly. This record check must be obtained from a Law Enforcement Agency and cover that person for the ENTIRE United States or ENTIRE State they live in (not just a city or county level).
- Any criminal convictions for crimes are grounds for review by the Membership (Executive Board) Committee and can result in denial or revocation of or from Associate membership.
- Application for Associate Membership shall be presented to the Board to be voted in. NON-LEO Associate Membership shall be considered a privilege and not a right and can be revoked for any reason by Executive Board vote.
- Certification of Associate member’s dogs will be conducted determined by CPWDA Trainers that have the authority to certify.
- NON-LEO Associate member teams can only be certified in the passive tests, that is: Obedience, Agility, Article Search, Area Search, Search and Rescue Area Search,
- Tracking, Trailing, Building Search, Cadaver and Explosives
- NON-LEO Associate Members
- Can only join on a yearly basis and they are not eligible for lifetime memberships.
- NON-LEO Associate Members will not be eligible for Medical reimbursement
- NON-LEO Associate Members cannot participate with their dogs in classes that are not geared towards their disciplines (i.e. Aggression work)
- NON-LEO Associate Members are not eligible for the equipment grants
No officer or member serving on a committee shall receive any salary or compensation for services rendered to the association. They may, however, receive reimbursement for out of pocket expenses incurred in the normal duties of conducting business for the association. A proper receipt must be forwarded to the Treasurer/Chairperson at the time request is made for reimbursement.
A maximum of two representatives from the same law enforcement agency may be elected to the Executive Board.
A representative from this organization shall, when practical, attend the yearly national Executive Board meeting of the North American Police Work Dog Association. The representative shall monitor the content of the meeting and report back to the Executive Board on any new training information, legal updates or certification changes on the national level. The association shall be responsible for the travel expenses of this trip, if there are available funds. The representative shall be the State Coordinator for Connecticut, appointed by NAPWDA, or in his absence the Assistant State Coordinator for Connecticut, appointed by NAPWDA
( Voted on and passed on 10/8/91 )
It shall be the duty of the President to call and preside at all regular and special meetings. He shall see that the By-laws and all rules and regulations are respected and obeyed. He shall cast the deciding vote in case of a tie. He shall appoint committees and may designate their chairperson. He shall appoint the following committees; Membership, Newsletter, Grievance, Election, Accreditation and any ad-hoc committee necessary to conduct the affairs of the association. He shall appoint, pro tempore, officers in the event of absences. He shall perform such other duties as are usual and incidental to the office of President. He is a member ex-officio of all committees except the election committee.
( Voted on and passed on 10/8/91 )
The Vice President shall actively assist and support the President in his duties and shall be President Pro-Tempore in the absence of the President, during which time the Vice President shall assume the duties and responsibilities of that office. He shall be required to attend, with the President, all hearings, committee meetings, conferences, et cetera, to which the President is required or expected to attend on behalf of the membership. He shall act as liaison between the President and chairpersons of the committees. In event of a vacancy in the office of President during the elected term, he shall succeed to that office for the remainder of the designated term.
( Voted on and passed on 10/8/91 )
It shall be the duty of the Secretary to accurately record the proceedings at meetings, read the minutes of previous meetings, and all communications. He shall call the roll of officers and note absences. He shall communicate and correspond with all persons and organizations both within and outside the association relative to the Executive Board business. He shall receive all monies in the absence of the Treasurer.
( Voted on and passed on 10/8/91 )
It shall be the duty of the Treasurer/Membership Chairperson, to collect all monies due to the association, giving receipt thereof, he shall keep a suitable ledger of record for same. He shall deposit all monies of the association in a designated bank. He shall render statements in detail at each meeting of the association, showing receipts and disbursements in full to date, and the monies in the treasury. He shall draw all checks or other obligations authorized by the President, Vice President, and Executive Board and attested to by the Secretary. The account ledger as well as all papers shall be open for inspection and examination by the Executive Board. He shall not lend or invest any funds except when duly authorized by the Executive Board. The Treasurer/ Membership Chairperson shall keep record of all members, the standing of each and their date of admission, expiration and/or termination from the association. The Treasurer/Membership Chairperson shall be an elected office and is a member of the Executive Board with full voting privileges. The Treasurer/Membership Chairperson shall be responsible for mailing membership cards and dues notices.
( Voted on and passed on 10/8/91 )
The board of Trustees shall consist of (3) three regular members; a one-year trustee, a two-year trustee and a three-year trustee. One regular member shall be elected as an alternate trustee, this term shall be for one year. The board of trustees shall act as agents of the Executive Board in all financial transactions between the committee and all other institutions and individuals. They shall, in conjunction with the Treasurer/Membership Chairperson, have custody of all finances, which shall be deposited in a reliable institution. The Treasurer/Membership Chairperson and at least one Trustee, shall, for each year ending December 31st, contract the services of a certified public accountant for a reasonable fee, to prepare an annual audit and report. The alternate member of the board of trustees shall attend all meetings of the executive board and shall in the absence of a regular member, act in his/her place. The board of trustees can request an audit of all books, accounts, funds, etc; of this association or any committee that collects and or disburses funds of this association, not less than once each year at any time said board has shown just cause to believe such audit is warranted.
( Voted on and passed on 10/8/91 )
All candidates for office shall be nominated at the general membership meeting during the first monthly meeting of December, prior to an election year. At that time, the judge of elections will accept mail-in nominations. Mail-in nominations must be accompanied by:
- Written permission by the nominee.
- The signature of the regular member making the nomination.
A special lined envelope that is marked “OFFICIAL BALLOT” will be used by the member to return the ballot to the judge of elections. Only ballots received in the special, lined envelope will be counted. Any signature or note written on the ballot that would identify the voter will cause that ballot to be considered invalid. Any envelope that is opened before being received by the elections committee will be declared invalid.
OFFICIAL BALLOT envelopes will contain a serial number, starting with number 1, though the total number of regular and associate members eligible to vote on the state mailing list at the time of mailing. Names of nominees on the ballots shall be placed in alphabetical order for each office.
OFFICIAL BALLOTS in the envelope will be mailed back to the judge of elections postmarked no later than one month after nominations. The judge of elections will check the serial number and signature on the envelope against the list provided to him/her by the Treasurer/ Membership Chairperson, ensuring that only one envelope with the same number is received.
The judge of elections will hold all OFFICIAL BALLOT envelopes unopened until meeting with the election committee, at the next regular meeting.
The current President will appoint a committee of three members, not involved in the election. One of the three members will be appointed judge of elections. The committee will open the envelopes and not unfold the ballots. The envelopes will be discarded and the ballots will then be unfolded and counted, the committee will attest to the correct total. The ballots will be kept a reasonable amount of time.
Revised – Newly elected officers shall take office at this meeting.
A plurality of votes cast elect.
Newly elected officers shall take office at this meeting.
The elected term for President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer / Membership Chairperson will be two years.
The terms for the Board of Trustees shall be found under Article 4 and nominations will be accepted during the first monthly meeting in December of the election year for each trustee position.
( Voted on and passed on 10/8/91 )
Officers will repeat after me and say, using your name where I do mine:
“I _______________ having been duly elected an officer of this association in the presence of Almighty God and this company assembled, do hereby solemnly and sincerely promise that I will, to the best of my ability in word and deed, without fear or favor, faithfully and honestly, and with strict impartiality, carry out as an officer of this association, the principles of this association.”
Now, by the power vested in me as installing officer on this occasion, I do hereby declare the officers elect legally installed and qualified to enter upon the discharge of their duties for the year ending December 31, 20__, or until their successors are duly elected and installed.
( Voted on and passed on 10/8/91 )
A quorum shall exist of the majority of the Executive Board present.
The President shall call at least two regular meetings of the Executive Board during the calendar year. He/she shall set the dates for such meeting with the approval of the majority of the Executive Board.
There shall be at least one meeting every four months, and at least one association-training workshop annually.
Meetings shall be conducted according to parliamentary law. Roberts Rules of Order, newly revised, and shall be the guideline for conducting all meetings. All Executive Board members shall be notified adequately in advance as to any and all, meetings.
( Voted on and passed on 10/8/91 )
Amendments, additions or deletions: It shall be the duty of the by-laws Committee, which shall be consist of three members appointed by the President, to codify all proposed changes, additions or deletions to the By-laws. All proposed changes must be submitted in writing to the by-laws Committee. The by-laws Committee shall present the final form to the Executive Board with recommendations. The executive board shall review the modifications as submitted and vote to accept or reject the by-laws as submitted.
( Voted on and passed on 10/8/91 )
The yearly dues of the association will be $35.00. Dues will be collected on January 1st of each year. A renewal membership application will be mailed to every member in the winter newsletter. “NEW’ memberships received on or after October 1st will be applied to the membership year starting January 1st of the following year. No canine certification testing will be provided by CPWDA unless you are a current member in good standing. Certifications will be invalid if membership dues are not current.
( Voted on and passed in 5/21/03 )
After receiving and recording the date of payment and amount, the Treasurer/Membership Chairperson will deposit such monies in the appropriate bank designated to hold association funds. Yearly membership cards will be mailed out and signed (stamped) by the president of the association. All members needing an association mailing list shall contact the Secretary or Treasurer/Membership Chairperson.
( Voted on and passed on 10/8/91 )
Lifetime dues are $175.00. This covers the lifetime of one K-9 handler team. The benefit of a lifetime membership would be for those teams that have more than 5 working years. In the event a K-9 is retired early the balance may be applied to the new team. The fee is non-refundable. The lifetime option can save money for many handlers and relieves you or your PD from having to make the dues payment every year.
( Voted on and passed on 12/11/95 )
Dues renewal must be received by our Treasurer post marked by the post office no later than February 1, of each membership year. If they are received later than February 1st, the member will not be eligible for the schools offered to CPWDA members at no cost. This does not apply to new members joining.
( Voted on and passed on 12/14/10 )
A $20.00 late fee will be charged for renewal memberships postmarked later than February 1st of each renewal year. Late fees do not apply to new members.
( Voted on and passed on 2/8/11 )
Master Trainers will have their yearly dues waived if they are certified by CPWDA or national organization.
( Voted on and passed on 2/26/12 )
Revised – Any nationally recognized trainers will have their yearly dues waived if they are certified by CPWDA or national organization and are currently active members in good standing. (NNDDA, NAPWDA, USPCA and NPCA)
( Voted on and passed on 12/16/19 )
The applicant must have successfully completed a basic canine training course through his/her agency. The applicant must have a minimum of five years concurrent experience as a fully sworn police canine officer/handler, providing documentation of both.
The applicant must be a member in good standing of CPWDA for a minimum of three years, prior to applying.
The applicant must have a minimum of three letters of support from CT. NAPWDA Master Trainers.
Revised – The applicant must have a minimum of three letters of support from CT trainers are that are nationally recognized by any national organizations (NNDDA, NAPWDA, USPCA or NPCA)
The applicant must have the support of his/her agency in writing.
The applicant will be required to take a written exam.
The applicant will be interviewed by three Master Trainers brought in from outside CT.
Revised – The applicant will be interviewed by nationally recognized trainers etc. from the northeast area.
This does not authorize said maintenance trainer to certify police canine teams for CPWDA. Certification of police canine teams will be conducted by accredited CPWDA Police Service Dog Trainers.
If approved, the Maintenance Trainer certification will be issued and be valid for two years.
Maintenance Trainers can apply for renewal to the President of CPWDA, prior to the expiration date listed on the certificate provided. The President will appoint a committee of 3 qualified examiners, trainers or master trainers, to review the renewal request. The renewal will be approved with a majority vote and denied with less than a majority vote. In the event the renewal is denied, the accreditation committee will compose a letter to the President detailing the reason for denial.
( Voted on and passed 7/20/09 )
The applicant must have a minimum of five years concurrent experience in the disciplines they are applying for, i.e., narcotics, tracking, trailing, cadaver, accelerant or explosive dog handling. The applicant must have trained a minimum of two police service dogs that worked for a municipal, state or federal law enforcement agency, providing documentation of same. The applicant may apply for more than one discipline, with supporting documentation.
Revised – The applicant must be recognized any of the national organizations (NAPWDA, NNDDA, NPCA, USPCA etc.) in the disciplines they are applying for, (narcotics, tracking, trailing, cadaver, accelerant or explosive dog handling). The applicant must have trained a minimum of two police service dogs that worked for a municipal, state or federal law enforcement agency, providing documentation of same. The applicant may apply for more than one discipline, with supporting documentation.
The applicant must be a member in good standing for a minimum of three years, prior to applying.
The applicant must have a minimum of three letters of support from trainers, examiners or master trainers, accredited through any of the following national police canine associations, N.A.P.W.D.A., N.P.C.A. or U.S.P.C.A. The letters of support must contain factual, personal knowledge of the applicant’s training and experience for the position of Trainer. In the event the applicant has received training from out of state municipal, state or federal law enforcement canine trainers, the same number of letters and criteria is required.
Revised – The applicant must have written support of his/her agency in writing.
The applicant must have written support of his/her agency in writing.
Revised – If approved, the Trainer certification will be issued and remain valid unless:
(1) Just cause for revocation exists, after a formal investigation has been completed in accordance with C.P.W.D.A. by-laws.
(2) The trainer is no longer a fully sworn law enforcement officer, or leaves said employment as a result of termination due to disciplinary.
(3) If that trainer is removed from his nationally recognized organization for disciplinary reasons or compliance with that organizations standards.
(Voted on and passed 7/20/09)
The applicant will be required to take a written exam.
The applicant will be interviewed by a panel consisting of a minimum of three accredited trainers from the above nationally recognized associations. This does not preclude the use of accredited trainers from outside our state.
If approved, the Trainer certification will be issued and remain valid unless:
(1) Just cause for revocation exists, after a formal investigation has been completed in accordance with C.P.W.D.A. by-laws.
(2) The trainer is no longer a fully sworn law enforcement officer, or leaves said employment as a result of termination due to disciplinary.
( Voted on and passed 7/20/09 )
SECTION A: Daniel Wasson Memorial Plaques, Submissions & Certificates:
Daniel Wasson Memorial K9 Plaques:
1.The Winner will receive 2 plaques, one for him and the other for his police department. The 1st Runner-Up, and 2nd Runner-Up will receive two Wasson plaques each for them which will be purchased by the CPWDA. If any of the recipients want more plaques they will have to pay for them before being ordered. On 4/22/14 it was amended that each recipient receive two plaques, one for the K9 handler and one for the K9 handler’s police department and CPWDA will cover the cost.
( Voted on and passed on 1/25/94 )
- Wasson Award Submissions:
Connecticut law enforcement canine teams are only eligible for this award. The following criteria will be followed when forwarding the Wasson Award Nominations: They will be e-mailed as an attachment to CPWDA Vice President. They will be reviewed for content and make sure names, case numbers, etc.. are blacked out before they are forwarded. Each nominee will submit only one of their best deployments for the year, in narrative form, accompanied by the Wasson nomination form and the nominating officer’s cover letter. A committee will review the nominations and forward a maximum of five nominations to CPWDA Vice President, who will in turn forward them to the Connecticut Police Chief’s Association. In the event a committee member’s canine unit submits a nomination, a neutral member will be appointed by the President to sit on the committee. Deadline for submissions is April 15th each year.
( Voted on and passed on 7/20/09 )
- Wasson Award Gift Certificates:
Any CPWDA member who is a recipient of the Daniel Wasson Memorial Award and has paid their dues post marked by the post office no later than February 1st of the current year will receive a gift certificate to purchase K9 related items. Gift certificates will be given in the amount of $300.00 for the Winner, $200.00 for 1st Place Runner-Up, & $100.00 for 2nd Runner-Up.
( Voted on and passed on 2/8/11 )
Any CPWDA member who is a recipient of the Detection Award or Tracking Award will receive $100.00.
( Voted on and passed on 2015 )
SECTION B: K9 Memorial Plaques:
Any member past or present will receive a K9 memorial plaque for the death of his police K9.
( Voted on and passed on 6/24/02 )
SECTION C: Grants:
The CPWDA will donate up to $2,000 (funds permitting) to four separate K9 programs. We are asking that whomever is interested submit a one to two page essay which states why their unit is in NEED of the donation. We are not discounting those who WANT something for their unit, however the purpose of the donations are to help those in NEED. those in NEED will be given precedent over those who WANT. The essay should detail what specific item(s) their program is in need of and why the donation is needed to get it, as opposed to your town/agency buying it for you. The essay must be signed by the Chief of Police of your agency (or highest ranking member of your PD if you don’t have a Chief) and submitted to the President of C.P.W.D.A., post marked no later than 12/31 of each year. The stipulations for those eligible to apply for the up to $2,000 donation are as follows;
- The recipients must be a “ConnecticutLifetime Member“,for at least 3 years prior to their submission or a current member with a minimum of 3 consecutive years prior to their submission. Due to the solicitation being in CT, from CT towns and businesses, out of state members are not eligible.
- The recipients must be certified and continue to be certified through C.P.W.D.A. for the working life of their K9. This does not mean that you cannot hold other certifications as well.
- Those selected to receive the donation will supply the C.P.W.D.A. with any contact information and detailed list of items to be purchased. The C.P.W.D.A. will then purchase those items for the recipient. No recipient will receive a check or cash for$2,000 and purchase the items themselves at a later date.
( Voted on and passed on 11/26/12 )
SECTION D: K9 Officer “Line of duty death”:
The CPWDA will give $5000 (funds permitting) to the family of any active member of the CPWDA who is a current K9 Handler and dies in the line of duty. An active member is one that is current with their dues. The officer will notify the CPWDA of their beneficiary.
( Voted on and passed on 2/26/13 )
SECTION E: K9 killed in the line of duty or removed from service due to an on duty injury:
The CPWDA will give $2000 (funds permitting) to any department that loses a canine in the line of duty. The K9 officer must be a member of the CPWDA in good standing. This will include any K9 dog killed or so injured that a return to duty is not possible. This does not include any K9 dog injured or killed during training or due to any neglect by their handler. The E board will be supplied with all pertinent documentation regarding the line of duty death or injury. This documentation may include but not be limited to Police Department case reports and veterinary records regarding the injury. The board will meet to review the case and either grant or deny the funds.
( Voted on and passed on 2/26/13 )
SECTION F: Retired K9 fund:
Any retired K9 of the CPWDA who was either a lifetime member or an active member for a minimum of five years is eligible to receive up to $350 (funds permitting) a year towards their post retirement care. At the end of each year or earlier the officer will submit up to $350 in receipts in which they have spent out of their own personal funds to care for their retired partner. The CPWDA will then issue that officer a check of up to $350 in reimbursement. $350 covers anything related to the care of your K9 partner (i.e.-vet bills, food, toys etc.) that your PD will not pay for. Medical receipts must be received by James Cortina (for record check) no later than Dec. 31st of the current year the bills were made to receive this benefit.
( Voted on and passed on 2/26/13 )
SECTION G: Yearly drawing for canine unit:
Each year (funds permitting) in December the CPWDA will place all active member names into a drawing. Active members refers to all CPWDA members that are current in their dues. The drawing will occur at the last meeting of the year and the officer does not need to be in attendance to be eligible to receive the money. An E-board member will draw the name, turn it over to the president who will announce the winner. The winner will receive five hundred dollars which must be used towards the purchase of law enforcement related items. The winner will make the purchase, provide proof of purchase to the E board and then be reimbursed for said expenditure. The goal of this drawing is to encourage CPWDA membership, reward officers for their continued membership in the Association, and to assist K9 officers with the purchase of Law Enforcement related equipment which may not otherwise be supplied by their respective departments. All members that are on the current roster will be entered in the drawing and the member does not have to be present to win when the name is drawn.
If there are any questions concerning what can be purchased with the use of the $500.00 drawing award it should be cleared through the E board prior to the purchase. K9 related products are highly encouraged but equipment such as tactical vests, flashlights, back up or off duty firearms are all acceptable.
( Voted on and passed on 2/26/13 )
Categories Of Awards:
SECTION A: Medal of Honor:
The Medal of Honor shall be awarded to any K-9 handler and /or dog who performs, with gallantry and bravery, at risk to life above and beyond the call of duty while engaged in combat with someone known to be armed and dangerous.
Emblem: Gold medal with blue ribbon; Service bar-dark blue with gold star for each accepted nomination. Individual emblems will be give for each accepted nomination of a particular team.
SECTION B: Medal for Bravery:
The Medal for Bravery shall be awarded to any K-9 handler and/or dog who demonstrates exceptional heroism in the performance of duty while exposed to life imperiling danger or shall be awarded to any K-9 handler and/or dog who saves someone’s life or who makes a valiant attempt to save someone’s life.
Emblem: Gold medal with red ribbon. Service bar- red. Emblem on first accepted nomination. Gold star for each additionally accepted nominations. Individual emblems will be give for each accepted nomination of a particular team.
SECTION C: Medal for Outstanding Service:
The Medal for Meritorious Service shall be awarded to any K-9 handler and/or dog who renders service above and beyond the ordinary course of duty. Who despite extremely difficult conditions and when confronted with adverse circumstances perseveres and successfully completes task, resulting in the apprehension of felony suspect, protection of life or solving of a major crime or apprehension of wanted or missing persons, or who continuously achieves excellence in the performance of duties over an extended period of time.
Emblem: Silver medal with an purple ribbon. Service bar- purple. Emblem on first accepted nomination. One silver star for every 5 accepted nominations; up to 4 silver stars.
SECTION D: Back Up Officer Award:
Back up officer award shall be awarded annually to any officer who provided exceptional back up or assistance to a K-9 team, which enables the team to complete an otherwise difficult or impossible task.
Emblem: Silver medal with gray ribbon. Service bar- gray.
SECTION E: In Memoriam Medal:
In Memoriam medal awarded to any K-9 handler who has worked with a K-9 partner that has passed away in the line of duty.
Emblem: Gold medal with black ribbon. Service bar- black with Gold star
( Voted on and passed on 11/27/95 )
Said organization became incorporated.
( Since 6/27/02 )
Said organization qualifies as an exempt organization under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
( Since 5/13/03 )
The executive board of directors will appoint the training coordinator at the 1st meeting after election of new officers. The executive board will select the training coordinator by majority vote with the president casting the deciding vote in case of a tie. It shall be the duty of the training coordinator to arrange monthly in-service training and notification, assist with yearly certification workshops, specialty schools or other related training classes and provide training information as needed by membership. He/she will also act as the associations liaison with departments interested in starting a new K-9 unit”
( Voted on and passed on 10/8/91 )
The order of Business of this Association is as follows.
- Calling the meeting to order
- Roll call of officers.
- Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting.
- Treasurers report
- Report of committees
- Report of officers.
- Unfinished business
- New Business
- Adjournment
( Voted on and passed on 10/8/91 )
Any member desiring the privilege of the floor shall rise and address the chair.
No member shall speak unless recognized by the chair.
No questions can come before the meeting unless properly moved and recorded and declared upon for discussion by the chair.
Any member may call for “ayes” and “nays” on any question, which each member present shall be required to answer to his name on the roll, unless excused by the chair.
A motion to consider must come from a member who votes with the majority when the motion to re-consider was taken.
When a point of order is raised by any member, a person having the floor shall take his/her seat until the point is decided by the chair, when, is proper, he/she may resume his/her remarks.
No subject laid on the table shall be taken up again during the same meeting unless it was so understood when disposed of.
Any member may appeal to the association from the decision of the chair when the question shall be stated thus: “Shall the decision of the chair be sustained?”.
It shall be decided by a majority of votes cast.
( Voted on and passed on 10/8/91 )
Any officer or member may be removed for any violation of the provisions of the By-laws or for any personal conduct that may bring discredit upon the association.
Charges for the impeachment of any officer or member may be initiated by any two members in good standing or a grievance committee appointed by the President and shall be presented in writing to the Grievance Committee chairperson; The accused member or officer will be given a copy of the charges against him/her. If the Grievance Committee ascertains that there is enough evidence to warrant a hearing, the accused member will be notified of the meeting at which the hearing will be held, not less than thirty days prior to the hearing date. The accused shall be given the right to present evidence in his/her behalf at this hearing.
The Grievance Committee will then decide if the accused is innocent or guilty of the charges and present a recommendation to the Executive Board. If the accused is, in fact, found guilty the Executive Board will decide his/her penalty. If it is decided the charges warrant impeachment, with a majority vote of the Executive Board present, the accused officer shall be removed from officer and the accused officer or member shall never hold an office in the association.
( Voted on and passed on 10/8/91 )
The application for membership shall provide that the applicant, if elected, agrees to abide by these By-laws and all rules adopted by the Executive Board. He/she further agrees to abide by the Code of Ethics.
No member shall act in any manner prejudicial to the association or the best interests of the association. In any exhibition or workshop, no member shall conduct himself/herself otherwise than in accordance with the highest traditions and standards of fair play and good sportsmanship. No member shall use the name and/or logo(s) of the association in any advertising or for any commercial purpose. No member shall display the name and/or logo(s) of the association in any way other than that approved by the Executive Board
- This section prohibits the use of the name and/or logo(s) of the association in conjunction with, but not limited to, kennel/business names or names of members of the association whose intention, either implied or explicit, is to enhance their standing or reputation for either the selling, breeding or otherwise providing police work dogs and/or related products to prospective buyers by “advertising” that they, the sellers, were members of the association.
- Any member wishing to use the name and/or logo(s) of the association in some particular manner may apply to the Executive Board for relief. The application must be in writing and shall include a sample of the intended use. The Executive Board, after making its considerations, will have the final say.
Any member, in good standing, may prefer charges against any other member for alleged misconduct in violation of the above Code of Ethics. Such charges must be in writing signed by the complainant, setting forth the facts upon which the charges are based in a concise and summary manner. It shall be filed with the GRIEVANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON. The complainant must agree to appear and furnish full evidence in support of the charges if requested to do so. The Grievance Committee will then proceed as described in Article 12.
Disciplinary action may include the temporary suspension of privileges, censure, expulsion or any other appropriate action.
If the Executive Board finds that a member in preferring charges against another member did so for spurious reasons or out of improper motives and if the charges are wholly false and without proper foundation, then the Executive Board may, if it desires, take appropriate disciplinary action against the complainant.
No disciplinary action shall be taken against a member, be he/she the complainant or the accused, unless the member shall have been afforded the opportunity of a hearing before the Grievance Committee.
Every member shall be presumed innocent of misconduct, and disciplinary actions shall be taken against a member only if he/she is found guilty of misconduct by evidence that is clear, precise and indubitable.
( Voted on and passed on 10/8/91 )